Several National Park Service employee advocacy groups and the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) are warning that the National Rifle Association-driven changes to the firearms safety and uniformity regulations in our national parks proposed today by the Department of the Interior will lead to confusion for visitors, rangers, and other law enforcement agencies.Right, and we all know how confused "The Only Ones" can get some times, and who better to define our rights than retired public "service" employees and vested "law enforcer" careerists partnered with neo-Marxists masquerading as Americans?
The coalition is urging concerned citizens to submit their comments on the proposed regulation change to the Department of the Interior by clicking here.
Yes--by all means, do so, and pass that link on to all interested in reestablishing a legally-recognized right to the means of self defense in national parks.
I'm serious. Please take a moment and do it now. Click on the link, enter a comment and then spread the comments page url far and wide. Let's inundate them with pro-RKBA rationality.
And thanks, Common Dreams, for the reminder that it's time to mobilize and overwhelm you.