Elizabeth Warren would be more than happy to take away our way of life, and essentially turn the entire Republic into an updated version of Cherokee Nation. At the risk of exposing Fauxcahontas even more...
That was just plain a mean thing to do to you and I apologize, but I wanted to make sure everybody knew this juvenile trick because it's always appealed to my immature sense of humor, and besides, maybe somebody with more reach will pick up on using similar imagery to gin up public ridicule that will help send her continued political aspirations to the Happy Hunting Grounds.
That was just plain a mean thing to do to you and I apologize, but I wanted to make sure everybody knew this juvenile trick because it's always appealed to my immature sense of humor, and besides, maybe somebody with more reach will pick up on using similar imagery to gin up public ridicule that will help send her continued political aspirations to the Happy Hunting Grounds.