A Stark county grand jury has found no probable cause that county deputies committed any criminal wrongdoing while arresting Hope Steffey.
As many as 7 male and female deputies forcibly removed Steffey's clothes inside a Stark County jail cell and left her completely naked for 6 hours. Yeah, really.
How can we expect "The Only Ones" to do their jobs and protect us if we bind their hands and subject them to such intrusive scrutiny?
Besides, why should a grand jury
How can we expect "The Only Ones" to do their jobs and protect us if we bind their hands and subject them to such intrusive scrutiny?
Besides, why should a grand jury
How can we expect "The Only Ones" to do their jobs and protect us if we bind their hands and subject them to such intrusive scrutiny?
Besides, why should a grand jury have to see videos to make their decision? We've already established who owns our bodies.
[Via AndreD from Rad Geek]
Besides, why should a grand jury have to see videos to make their decision? We've already established who owns our bodies.
[Via AndreD from Rad Geek]