Enemy Reactions to the US Strategy and Force-Sizing Options -- Frederick Kagan, Kimberly Kagan, Iraq Tracker
As the Obama administration considers its strategic approach and future resource levels in Afghanistan, CTP Director Frederick W. Kagan and Kimberly Kagan (Institute for the Study of War) have produced a second report, Enemy Reactions to the US Strategy and Force Sizing Options, considering how enemy groups and other stakeholders in Afghanistan and Pakistan would respond to several US Policy scenarios:
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Big, Ominous Win for Iran -- Kenneth Timmerman, Washington Times
Bad Options on Iran: An Israeli strike won't suffice -- Michael Rubin, National Review
It's Time for a Cold Peace with Iran -- Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek
Iran's Big Victory in Geneva -- John Bolton, Wall Street Journal
Nuclear Cheating -- Times Online editorial
Cancelling missile defense will look good if Russia helps on Iran -- Tomas Valasek, Daily Star
How EU Got the Irish to Say 'Yes' -- Anne Jolis, Wall Street Journal
Does China Have Taiwan in Strait Jacket? -- David Shlapak, Foreign Policy
Iraq's Maliki Gathers His Forces -- Sami Moubayed, Asia Times
Sudan's Simmering Struggle -- Austin Bay, Washington Times
Uncertainty over China’s influence on North Korea -- Sunny Lee, The National
Keeping a lid on homegrown terror -- Lorenzo Vidino, Boston Globe
Détente and the Bunker: How to oppose a president's disastrous foreign policy. -- Elliott Abrams, Weekly Standard
Eric Holder's Military Allies -- Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times