Blame-Game Over South Korean War Ship's Sinking -- Donald Kirk, Asia Times
WASHINGTON - The explosion and sinking of a South Korean war ship in the West or Yellow Sea near the North Korean coast set off alarm bells in Washington and Seoul. The question was whether North Korea was again making good on threats to challenge South Korean control beneath the "northern limit line" (NLL) set by the United Nations Command three years after the Korean War ended in 1953.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
To only say Iranian nukes are unacceptable is to accept them -- William Kristol, Washington Post
The case against Iran containment -- Ilan Berman, Washington Times
India’s Great Power Plans -- N.V. Subramanian, The Diplomat
Fierce debate on Israel underway inside Obama administration (UPDATED) -- Laura Rozen, Politico
Why the Hariri assassination still matters -- David Kenner, Foreign Policy
In Iraq's election, a defeat for Iran -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Chancellor Abandons Germany's Post-War EU Policy -- Spieel Staff, Spiegel Online
Euro Trashed -- Joachim Starbatty, new York Times
Anti-Piracy Inc. -- Claude Berube and Patrick Cullen, Washington Times
China Is Winning the Rare Earths Race -- Daniel McGroarty, Real Clear World
A global energy crisis is in the making -- Anas F. Alhajji, The Daily Star