Will Boston Have Any Geopolitical Fallout? -- Greg Scoblete, The Compass/Real Clear World
Events are very fluid following the gruesome terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon, but speculation is already swirling as to motive and responsible parties. As I spoke with friends and neighbors yesterday, several people asked me if I thought North Korea was behind it. That possibility never even crossed my mind (and for the record, I think it's wildly implausible) but it did get me thinking about the potential geopolitical fallout of this event if it can be traced to international sources.
In fact, there's only one plausible scenario* I can think of that would carry significant geopolitical consequences: If Iran's Revolutionary Guard or Hezbollah (or both) were behind it.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Boston Marathon bombs: The world reacts -- CBS/AP
Syria’s Forgotten Front -- David Pollock, New York Times
How much longer will the Iran ‘game’ go on? -- Cesar Chelala, Japan Times
Salam Fayyad’s resignation as Palestinian premier seen as blow to peace plan -- Sheera Frenkel, McClatchy Newspapers
Why hasn't North Korea fired its Musudan missile yet? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor
Time for a preemptive strike against North Korea? Some say yes. -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
North Korea already won -- Frida Ghitis, CNN
Senkakus Could Be Undoing of Asia Pivot: Would U.S., Japan Go To War With China Over Islands? -- Wendell Minnick, Defense News
Who is Rewriting the History of Senkaku/Diaoyu Crisis? The State Department or the Gaimusho? -- Stephen Harner, Forbes
Did China steal Japan's high-speed train? -- Michael Fitzpatrick, CNN
What will happen to the 'Rainbow Nation' once its icon Mandela dies? -- Rohit Kachroo, Correspondent, NBC News
Putin’s Public Enemy No. 1: A Visit With Alexei Navalny -- Simon Shuster, Time
The Wreck of the Euro -- Walter Russell Mead, American Interest
Chinese Investment in Europe Hits Record High -- Claus Hecking, Spiegel Online