Georgia: Terror Fears Over Whereabouts Of Region's
Nuclear Material -- The Telegraph
Nuclear Material -- The Telegraph
Georgia's conflict with Russia has raised fresh concerns over the whereabouts of the region's nuclear material that could be used by terrorists to make a "dirty bomb".
When the breakaway region of Abkhazia split from Georgia in 1993, the world's only known case of enriched uranium going missing was reported after up to 2kg of the potentially devastating material was stolen from a laboratory.
There are now fears that the organised criminal gangs that are rife in the region could exploit the confusion of the current conflict to loot other stocks.
Security services are worried that terrorist organisations such as al-Qa'eda could purchase weapons grade uranium and mix it with a detonator as basic as fertiliser to make a deadly device. While an estimated 15kg of uranium is needed to make a nuclear bomb just a small amount is needed for an unconventional device.
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My Comment: A dirty bomb exploding in a major metropolitan city like New York City, London, Paris, or Tokyo .... ignoring the loss of life, the cost would run up to a trillion dollars and more.