Nuke Facility Raid An Inside Job? -- CBS News/60 Minutes
Eyewitness Talks To 60 Minutes About Brazen Assault On South African Nuclear Facility.
(CBS) This story was first published on Nov. 28, 2008. It was updated on June 15, 2010.
When President Obama invited 47 world leaders to Washington for a nuclear security summit in April, the assault on Pelindaba was exactly the kind of scenario they were working to prevent.
It was a daring break-in at a heavily guarded nuclear plant that holds enough weapons grade uranium to build a dozen atomic bombs. The story was little known until 60 Minutes reported on it a year and a half ago through the eyes of the one man who stopped the plot.
What happened at Pelindaba is the kind of thing that keeps presidents and prime ministers awake at night.
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My Comment: Forget about South Africa .... Pakistan's nuclear sites are only a .... "hop, skip, and a jump away" .... from where Al Qaeda's leaders and their followers are probably hiding out.