...that make a Mike Vanderboegh response a necessary part of the toolkit, regardless of any condemnation you might hear from the more amenable. And incidentally, 45superman confirmed what I suspected and would have reported on yesterday had I not been locked out: All the PSH over that, and I mean all of it, came from that camp.
When a paper bills itself as "You Progressive Voice," I have no problem speaking to communists and their supporters like the genocide-enabling dogs they are.
That includes you, Amitai. That you fled from Nazi Germany and yet still embrace "gun control" and"communitarianism" as "a carefully crafted balance between rights and responsibilities and autonomy and order" makes you especially contemptible.
When a paper bills itself as "You Progressive Voice," I have no problem speaking to communists and their supporters like the genocide-enabling dogs they are.
That includes you, Amitai. That you fled from Nazi Germany and yet still embrace "gun control" and"communitarianism" as "a carefully crafted balance between rights and responsibilities and autonomy and order" makes you especially contemptible.