An incident that led to an Indianapolis police officer being charged with rape Thursday began, prosecutors say, with a proposition.So now we're up to 11 in four months?
"I'm going to give you an option," officer Anthony S. Smith reportedly told a woman with an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. "I can lock you up, but I really don't want to . . . or you can ride with me for an hour."
Think about that: We're constantly reminded by "Only Ones" apologists that we're only dealing with "a few bad apples." I don't know 11 co-workers in my entire career, which spans decades and private sector companies of all sizes, who have been charged or arrested for this kind of crap. I can't recall even one.
Via Shermlock Shomes, who writes:
I'm tempted to start posting this stuff to my blog and go into competition with you for daily posts of "Only Ones." Thanks to the fine officers of the IMPD, I think I'd beat you hands-down!Don't compete--enhance! I WANT people to take and spread the "Only Ones" concept far and wide, and have said so from the start--after all, I don't own the concept: we owe that to Lee Paige, the Patron Saint of the Only Ones. Make it part of the wider debate--that'll never happen if it's confined to this one small blog.