"We're not in the habit of going to homes and shooting peoples' dogs," Ellis said. "If we were, there would be a lot more dead dogs around the county."That's gotta be one of the more chilling "Only Ones" statements I've ever seen in print.
There's a video here.
I guess it never occurs to these flash-bang types that if you calmly and quietly go about your business, you can get results minus panic. It's like TASING somebody and then doing it again because they went into seizures instead of stayed still.
Most family dogs are approachable if you display the right attitude of confidence and calmness. One big thing I've always found helps is to not be a chickenshit on steroids. And even for those animals that stay aggressive, there are plenty of capture/restraining devices that make a lethal response one of last resort--just ask the town dogcatcher--they do it every day. A little training in animal control techniques is too much to expect from those empowered to employ lethal force?
I don't know what part the "persons of interest" played in all this, and the irony of a person who makes laws that others must obey--or else--being caught up in the system isn't lost on me. But anybody could have sent that package--a rival, an enemy--and for the cops to be right on top of it raises the question of "how?"
And do we really want dynamic entry teams with guns a-blazin' over a box of pot?
[Via John G]