From Time Magazine:
If early last September you'd parked outside Lehman Brothers' Manhattan headquarters with a cell-phone scanner and listened only to some of the "chatter" coming out of Lehman's front office, you almost certainly would have realized that Lehman was going under. But to understand the wider consequences, how capitalism was about to do a somersault into the watery abyss, you would have needed to understand how Lehman fit into the global financial system. (Of course, listening to cell-phone conversations with a scanner in this country is flatly illegal. And you need a sophisticated decrypting device to listen to most cell-phone calls.)
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My Comment: I guess that 99.9999999999999% of all conversations are pointless and useless to our intelligence communities. But that one intercept may change everything .... and I guess that is why the NSA has a multi billion dollar budget.