From The Guardian:
MI6 is using the social networking site Facebook to recruit the next generation of spies. The Secret Intelligence Service, which has traditionally scoured the country's elite universities for recruits, launched a series of online adverts this month as part of its attempts to attract people from a variety of backgrounds.
"A number of public channels are used to promote job opportunities in the organisation and Facebook is a recent example of this," said a Foreign Office spokeswoman. MI6 runs agents in foreign countries and says it wants its officers to "reflect the society" they serve.
Before 2006 most recruits joined after getting a tap on the shoulder while studying at a leading university.
But since then the organisation has run newspaper and radio adverts. Those on Facebook have already generated a lot of interest. "There has been a very good response so far," said a spokeswoman.
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My Comment: You have to go where the people you want are hanging around. Facebook is definitely an ideal place for recruiters.