(CNN) -- The assault began at dawn, as bullets and rockets peppered the remote outpost in eastern Afghanistan.
The insurgency was so fierce, according to one soldier, that the troops couldn't get to their mortars to fire back.
"They were under heavy enemy contact," Sgt. Jayson Souter said, describing the October 3 attack that pinned his comrades at Combat Outpost Keating, a remote base in Nuristan province.
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My Comment: I am big fan of the social networking revolution that the internet has spawn. In the past we would only have learned about these battles through the filter of the news media .... weeks after it occurred, and always in the words of the reporter.
No more now .... the participants in the battle are also the ones who are reporting on their experiences, and usually within a day or two after it has happened. No filters .... no interpretations .... everything is coming from the "horse's" mouth itself.