"Not Properly Bound"

I received the following email. By way of caveat, I have not personally verified this information, but my source has proven reliable in the past. I am told the principal may be willing to come forward and identify himself if they actively try to remove his license, but for now wishes to avoid the revenge this would surely prompt if he removes the mask.


He wishes this to be in no way connected to his name, but he'd like the story out.

He would like to be described as a Southern/Southwestern 20+ year long Type One FFL holder. Never been cited for anything ever ever ever before. Occasional gunsmith and does some trading on the gun show circuit. He's getting on in years and doesn't get out and around as much anymore. Happens with age.

BATFOO appeared on his doorstep last week unexpectedly and for the first time in 23 years requesting to look at EVERYTHING, including personal firearms. Cited him for "improper bound book" even though he has been using the "bound book" pages and binders that Brownell's has sold for years..."not good enough, not properly bound". Checked the serial numbers on everything both inventory and personal. Some of his collectors pieces pre-date mandatory serial numbering and have none, which caused an issue with the "inspector". He was also cited for "lack of significant business activity" whatever that means, and it was "implied" they are going to consider revoking his license and are planning to come back to look for further infractions "soon", whatever in hell that means.

He deals primarily in high-end collectables and high-end shotguns, so his inventory turnover isn't very high, it's quite low actually, but it is a business, not a hobby. It's a limited market. He does and has done ABSOLUTELY NO EVIL BLACK RIFLE gunsmithing or sales, NO HIGH CAP PISTOLS, "SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS", etc, and has never had any interest in military rifles post M1 Garands/M-14s, and didn't like M1/14s much, outside of shooting them very well in Marine Corps Military Rifle matches and in actual combat when he was in the service Korea/Vietnam, he's mostly always been a bolt rifle and bird hunting oriented High End Shotgun guy (Think Browning Citori and up to and including Holland and Holland) who perosnally likes German and Belgian pistols of the WW I era, GI early 1911s (NO-MODERN-HI-CAP/RACE-GUN STUFF), and .22 Match Pistols of the Ultra High End Bullseye-Olympic variety.

He was a competitive shooter of the Pre-IPSC/IDPA "bullseye" generation, and has no knowledge or interest of the modern stuff other than the blather that's more or less advertisements in the National Rifleman that comes in the mail each month.

Now he's a possible criminal?

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