Qaddafi Still Dodging the Bill for PanAm 103
-- Spytalk (CQ Politics)
-- Spytalk (CQ Politics)
Despite all the warm fuzzies between Condoleezza Rice and Muammar el-Qaddafi in Tripoli last week, there can be little optimism that Libya will make final payments to relatives of the hundreds of Americans killed in the PanAm 103 and LaBelle discotheque terrorist attacks anytime soon.
The Bush administration has said repeatedly that Libya's bizarre dictator must finish making promised payments to the families before normal relations can resume.
The Comprehensive Claims Settlement Agreement that Secretary of State Rice negotiated with the erstwhile rogue obligates Libya to put up $1 billion in compensation to the families in return for the normalization of relations with Washington.
But the agreement has no timetable or deadline. And none of the funds, which Libya originally promised to pay in 2003, have shown up.
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My Comment: This is not really a problem. I would suggest taking a portion of the $5 billion that Italy has promised to pay Libya for its colonial past, and giving it to the victims of Qaddafi instead.
Presto .... everyone is now happy. NOT!