We've talked about this before.
Constitution Arms President Matthew Carmel wanted to address some of the comments made on gun boards discussing it:
Constitution Arms President Matthew Carmel wanted to address some of the comments made on gun boards discussing it:
David:I've always admired originality from those demanding to chart their own course in spite of "conventional wisdom." While the majority is picking things apart, trying not to rock any boats, and throwing sand on the new, the innovators push forward despite the catcalls, bringing progress to us all through revolutionary ways of thinking.
Regarding the single shot issue, I have been following many blog threads and this seems to be a common objection. I am aware of both the limitations and advantages to a single shot design as described in the specification document posted at http://www.palmpistol.com/. There are many single shot self defensive firearms and devices which have their place in the market such as pepper sprays, Derringers, etc. Most notably, Tasers, which are quite successful, are also single shot and not nearly as effective as a live cartridge.
The Palm Pistol is not for everyone. But firearm enthusiasts fail to appreciate there are many people, particularly seniors and disabled, who due to physical limitations or simple intimidation, would be unable to properly wield a traditional revolver or semi-automatic.
Also note I am applying for DME (Durable Medical Equipment) coding for the design since I believe this assistive device may qualify as such under CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) regulations. If successful, it is possible some insurance companies many offer partial reimbursement for purchase if the insured is disabled. I don't expect Medicare to reimburse but anything is possible, particularly if an argument concerning ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance can be made. If a DME coding is issued, this will be the first in the nation that I am aware of and I would hope that people who believe in the RTKBA, for everyone including the disabled, should welcome and support my efforts.
All the so-called "experts" insisted the design would be classified as AOW and I proved them wrong. I have learned long ago to ignore the advice of experts if your own logic and research suggests otherwise.