Kilpatrick was driving her blue van in Pensacola on April 19, 2004, with the slogans “Remember the Children of Waco” and “Boo ATF” written on some of the windows when she was pulled over by police for questioning by the ATF.Unbelievable. And unAmerican.
Make sure you read the Order on Summary Judgment and listen to the 911 call.
"Remember Waco" rises to the level of a dragnet, with the attendant deployment of "Only One" resources? And seeing as how this was no emergency, how was it not a criminal abuse of the 911 system?
Gee, since he's involved in a court case, I wonder if referring to BATFU's "some knucklehead" Craig W. Roegner will result in an actual Marshal Dave response now that I've been warned?
What cowards these creatures are. What brownshirts.
[Via TechPCB]