Gun crime 60pc higher than official figuresAh, life in Sarah Brady Paradise.
The true level of gun crime is far higher than the Government admits in official statistics, it can be revealed.
...Figures to be published by the Home Office this week will massively understate the scale of the problem.
This means one of two things: The UK government is either criminally negligent or they're lying, deliberately and for a focused end purpose.
Why would anyone let either an incompetent or a tyrant disarm him?
I've heard some, more considerate of mainstream trepidations than I am, suggest that if Obama wins we'll lose our gun rights.
Perhaps they will.
Perhaps others will demonstrate the real-world meaning of "Use it or lose it."
From what I'm seeing, the spirit of recognition, resistance and anger in a growing percentage of American gun owners is being massively understated.
[Via Featherless Biped]