From The Economist:
After success in Iraq, can America’s favourite general win in Afghanistan?
IN LESS than two years General David Petraeus has become the most admired American general of recent times. His success in overseeing America’s military surge in Iraq, reversing the country’s descent into a sectarian bloodbath, has earned him praise from both contenders in America’s presidential race. He is a “great general” in the view of John McCain, and has “done a brilliant job” according to Barack Obama. Given his intelligence, ambition and deft handling of the media, the general is talked of as a possible future president.
First, though, he has some more soldiering to do. As he has left Iraq to take over Central Command later this month, presiding over operations from Egypt to Afghanistan, his views will do much to shape the course of the “war on terror” under the next president. He faces a persistent question: can his Iraqi success be replicated in Afghanistan?
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My Comment: His success will be our success.