It’s a curious thing about elections: they have consequences. Still, Washington’s favorite parlor game (for those who have parlors) at the moment is the peculiar effort to divine which Bush appointees will be sticking around in Barack Obama’s first term. The slogan was “Change We Need,” folks, not “Bush Act III.” Of course, with Rahm Emanuel and John Podesta as the President-Elect’s sherpas, you could argue this is really, “Star Wars: Return of the Clintonistas.”
So maybe SECDEF Bob Gates will stick around to run the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for a year. He’s universally regarded as a decent human being and a breath of fresh air after Don Rumsfeld. (Plus, Gates likes to sit down, whereas Rummy liked to “stand 8-10 hours a day,” as he famously wrote on a torture memo about “stress positions” at Gitmo.)
But what about the Director of National Intelligence, retired Navy Adm. Mike McConnell, who’s been on the job for less than two years?
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My Commentary: A good summary of what is evolving in the military/intelligence community. The key line in this article is the last one .... “We will know the national security lineup by December 15,” the first intelligence source predicted.