From CNN:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Americans back Barack Obama's plan to move U.S. troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, a new national poll indicates.
Fifty-five percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday back the president-elect when it comes to reducing the number of American combat troops in Iraq and increasing the number in Afghanistan.
"The reason is simple," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "The war in Iraq is very unpopular, while a majority support the war in Afghanistan."
Sixty-three percent of those polled oppose the war in Iraq, with 36 percent "favor" it. Fifty-two percent "favor" the war in Afghanistan, with 46 percent in opposition.
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My Comment: The CNN headline states that the public supports President-elect Obama's Afghanistan policy. But when one reads the substance of the article, we find this support is not overwhelming. In fact .... 46% of the population is against the war in Afghanistan, with 52% in favor. Not reassuring numbers.