New Security Adviser's Biggest Challenge:
Reaching Consensus -- CNN
Reaching Consensus -- CNN
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama's national security adviser, Gen. Jim Jones, said Monday the challenge he will face will be to achieve consensus among the disparate members of the new president's national security team.
Jones will be working with a number of high-profile Cabinet members, including Sen. Hillary Clinton as the new secretary of state, and Robert Gates, President Bush's current secretary of defense.
Jones said he needs to ensure the president-elect's vision is achieved.
"At the end of the day, [on] the major issues, he will make the decision and everyone will salute smartly and carry it out," Jones said in a phone interview soon after the official announcement in Chicago, Illinois, of Obama's national security team.
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More News On President-elect Obama's Defense And Foreign Policy Teams
Obama Stresses Diplomacy with New National Security Team -- Los Angeles Times
Gates's Top Deputies May Leave -- Washington Post
Obama's national security team -- Al Jazeera
With Appointments, Obama Moves On From the Campaign -- New York Times
Obama Sees 'Path' Out of Iraq -- Washington Times
Obama Names Team to Face A Complex Security Picture -- Washington Post
Team of Rivals to Keep Obama's Promise of Change -- The Times
National security adviser seeks to forge consensus -- The Guardian
Obama’s national security team faces tough challenge -- People's Daily
Obama's Security 'Team of Rivals' -- Christian Science Monitor
Nomination of Rice for UN Post Indicates Multilateralism Shift -- Washington Post
Obama Picks Cause New Headaches -- Washington Times