The efficiency and effectiveness of gun regulation is a matter of controversy. The debate over this issue has become notorious for its emotion driven rationales and hardened policy positions. This analysis is based on the belief that good laws and sound policy should be based on evidence and subject to effectiveness reviews. Accordingly, it examines the cost/benefits and effectiveness of gun registration as crime control. [More]
Article author Bruce Gold tells me:
The bill you are fighting Bobby Rush/H.R. 45 is so similar to the gun laws up here in Canada I suspect he has been reading if not copying our legislation. All of the things he wants have not effected crime in Canada one bit and have been enormously expensive coming in at about $2Billion for the Federal govt. Costs to Provinces, police, courts, the firearms industry, the shooting sports and gun owners are all in addition to that. I did a study awhile back on how successful regulating the law abiding is when "criminals" are the supposed target. I suspect the same sort of stats could be found in the US is someone wanted to hunt them down.