"I Like The Fight Here Better." -- Nukes And Spooks
After four weeks of talking to soldiers and Marines stationed throughout Afghanistan, I discovered a secret: U.S. troops who have fought in Iraq before arriving in Afghanistan often say they like fighting here better.
Time and time again, they would tell me this – in the battlefield, at the chow hall, even in their offices. They always offered their views without me asking the question, usually in a hushed tone. “Can I just say I like the fight here better.” or “These guys fight. This place is better.” Their reasons usually fell along one of two paths: 1. The Afghan security forces are more apt to fight the rogue forces moving into their country, or 2, The Taliban play fairer than the Iraqi insurgency. Let me explain.
Time and time again, they would tell me this – in the battlefield, at the chow hall, even in their offices. They always offered their views without me asking the question, usually in a hushed tone. “Can I just say I like the fight here better.” or “These guys fight. This place is better.” Their reasons usually fell along one of two paths: 1. The Afghan security forces are more apt to fight the rogue forces moving into their country, or 2, The Taliban play fairer than the Iraqi insurgency. Let me explain.
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My Comment: At the beginning of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the same sentiments were being said by Soviet soldiers. A few years later .... the whole situation was radically different. The blogger from Nukes and Spooks says it bluntly .... lets see what U.S. soldiers will be saying a few years later.
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My Comment: At the beginning of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the same sentiments were being said by Soviet soldiers. A few years later .... the whole situation was radically different. The blogger from Nukes and Spooks says it bluntly .... lets see what U.S. soldiers will be saying a few years later.