From Toronto:
Since 2002, 107 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have died during the Afghanistan mission. Here is a list of the deaths:
Jan. 6 – Trooper Brian Richard Good, killed in IED blast near his armoured vehicle in district of Shah Wali Kowt, 35 kilometres north of Kandahar city.
Dec. 27 – Warrant Officer Gaetan Roberge and Sgt. Gregory John Kruse were killed by a roadside bomb during a security patrol in the Panjwaii district of Kandahar province.
Dec. 26 – Private Michael Freeman was killed when his vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Zhari district.
Dec. 13 – Cpl. Thomas James Hamilton, Pte. John Michael Roy Curwin and Pte. Justin Peter Jones, all members of 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment based at CFB Gagetown, N.B., killed in explosion that hit their vehicle about 14 kilometres west of Kandahar city.
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