Heritage Foundation Builds a Fleet
-- Information Dissemination
-- Information Dissemination
The Heritage Foundation has released a report titled Quadrennial Defense Review: Building Blocks for National Defense. The key point that enables the report is the requirement for 4% of GDP spending. Quoted are the parts specific to the Navy. First the summery.
The U.S. Navy's primary responsibility is to defend freedom of the high seas, including protecting sea lines of communications. It shares responsibility with the Marine Corps for projecting power from ship to shore in the littorals.
First, the Navy needs to be a blue-water navy. This means that the fleet must include a balance of major surface and subsurface combatants, including aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and attack submarines. The most prominent capabilities of this balanced fleet will remain:
* Controlling the surface of the oceans in broad areas,
* Controlling the air space over these areas, and
* Conducting anti-submarine warfare.
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My Comment: This discussion is moot. The White House made it very clear on Friday that deep cuts are coming to the Pentagon. Supporting the Navy that the Heritage Foundation is suggesting is impossible.