From Foreign Policy:
"Obama Will End the War on Terror". Don't bet on it.
A misconceived "war on terror" has stoked Americans' nightmares since Sept. 11, 2001, and that will in all likelihood continue. Despite having anointed himself the candidate of change, Barack Obama remained wedded to crucial elements of the war on terror throughout his campaign. Not only did he embrace the term, but, like the Bush administration, he portrayed the 9/11 attacks as a turning point in global politics, suggested that transnational terrorism threatened the United States' survival, depicted the tactic of terrorism as the enemy, and laid out an apocalyptic vision of "the next attack." The danger of terrorism was, he declared, "no less grave" than that posed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
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My Comment: Even if President Obama should decide to stop all operations against Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda affiliates and their supporters, America will still be a target. President Obama clearly believes that this is the case .... and I am believe that being President will probably reinforce these feelings. The office of the President always changes the man.