Intel Director Backs Harsh Methods -- Washington Times
McConnell says Army manual lacking.
National Intelligence Director Michael McConnell warned Friday that interrogation techniques listed as permitted in the U.S. Army Field Manual are not sufficient to protect the security of the United States.
The retired admiral, who is leaving his post with the change in administrations but will remain an adviser to the new president, was reacting to comments by incoming officials that the Obama administation will bar harsh interrogation measures, such as waterboarding.
Eric H. Holder Jr., the nominee for attorney general, testified Thursday at his confirmation hearing that waterboarding is torture and would be barred under his leadership.
Read more ....
Update: Remarks on Torture May Force New Administration’s Hand -- New York Times
Update: Mukasey Cites Risk in Using Term 'Torture' -- Wall Street Journal
Update: Obama's AG pick breaks from Bush on torture, GTMO -- AP
My Comment: The incoming Obama team are confident that their changes to intelligence gathering and enforcement will still keep America safe, and will respect its constitutional safeguards and international treaty obligations.
I hope that they are right. If they are wrong .... they better be prepared to accept the consequences.