From U.S. News And World Report:
The deadly assault in Mumbai was a chilling reminder of just how effective low-tech attacks can be
The attacks in Mumbai this winter shocked the counterterrorism community, not only for the brazen nature of the assault and its high death toll but also because of the low-tech manner in which such carnage was brought to the streets of the Indian city. It was yet another reminder of the ever evolving nature of the terrorist threat.
Al Qaeda, which was not directly linked to the attacks in India, has historically striven to pull off more dramatic, deadly, and complex plots than the one in Mumbai, meaning its attacks have been less frequent and more difficult to bring about. But intelligence experts worry about what lessons Osama bin Laden and his followers might take from the brutal effectiveness of a handful of men armed with automatic weapons.
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My Comment: This is the nightmare scenario for next week's U.S. Presidential Inauguration. Just like Mumbai .... 10 men that are heavily armed can do a great deal of damage .... both in lives lost and in the psychological shock of such a terrorist action.
And what is even more shocking is that there is nothing that U.S. law enforcement or any other law enforcement can do about it.