From Washington Post:
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. told reporters today that he would travel Monday to the U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as part of his effort to determine how to handle the 245 remaining terrorism suspects detained there.
"We need to have our feet on the ground to really see what is going on down at the facility, to see how people are being detained, to talk to people down there about the interrogation techniques that are being used," Holder said.
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My Comment: I hope the guards leave him alone with the more hardened Islamists for a short period of time .... but .... it is not going to happen. I doubt that he will even meet the worse of the worse that are there.
Will any minds be changed .... nope. This is posturing at its worse .... and the tragedy is that the families who lost love ones on 9/11 and the Cole attack .... and who expect closure .... are now in limbo for the next year.