In the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, which passed the Senate (S. 22) in January and is up for a vote in the House as early as this Wednesday, a “forfeiture” provision would let the government confiscate “all vehicles and equipment of any person” who disturbs a rock or a bone from federal land that meets the bill’s broad definition of “paleontological resource.” The seizures could take place even before a person and even if the person didn’t know they were taking or digging up a “paleontological resource.” And the bill specifically allows the “transfer of seized resources” to “federal or non-federal” institutions, giving the government and some private actors great incentive to egg on the takings. [More]Yep, there it is on pg. 487...
From the government established to secure the Blessings of Liberty...
The good thing is, the wider they cast the net, the more people they catch and anger.
The bad thing is, most of them just won't make the right connections.
I can at least think of one fictional way to give rocks back.