Gaming the Coming Civil War

Bill Clinton's election in 1992 gave rise to the American "militia movement": hordes of overwhelmingly white, middle-aged men from suburban and rural areas who convinced themselves they were defending the American way of life from the "liberals" and "leftists" running the country by dressing up in military costumes on weekends, wobbling around together with guns, and play-acting the role of patriot-warriors. Those theater groups -- the cultural precursor to George Bush's prancing 2003 performance dressed in a fighter pilot outfit on Mission Accomplished Day -- spawned the decade of the so-called "Angry White Male," the movement behind the 1994 takeover of the U.S. Congress by Newt Gingrich and his band of federal-government-cursing, pseudo-revolutionary, play-acting tough guys.[More]
See, sophisticated and urbane metrosexual Glenn Greenwald just can't fathom that the restoration has nothing at all to do with the neo con job. Or he can, but makes a living exploiting the charade.

He did get one thing right. We're not "very interested in bipartisanship and in transcending ideological divisions."

Been there, done that. Look what it got us.

[Via Daniel M]

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