War In Afghanistan 'Could Be Lost By Summer' -- The Telegraph
The war against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan will be lost by the end of the summer without dramatic changes in counter-insurgency strategy, according to a leading US military expert.
The assessment of Col John Nagl, who is consulting the US government as it conducts four separate policy reviews on Afghanistan, comes amid fears that unless the insurgents' advance is halted, Afghanistan will become the new president's Vietnam.
Adm Mullen has said he expected to announce the deployment of a further 30,000 US troops soon, even though the Obama administration is waiting to evaluate the reviews.
"The commander on the ground has asked for additional forces and meeting those requirements against the overall strategy is something that I have an expectation to get directed to do," he said.
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My Comment: We can now see the differences between the Bush administration and the Obama administration in formulating and enacting policy with the military for Iraq and Afghanistan. Under President Bush, his policy was to state the objectives, and support those in the military who believed that they had a plan to implement and to achieve the President's objectives .... i.e. give the soldiers what they want.
President Obama's administration works differently. Formulating and publicizing their objectives are always under constant review (nothing definite). W
Adm Mullen has said he expected to announce the deployment of a further 30,000 US troops soon, even though the Obama administration is waiting to evaluate the reviews.
"The commander on the ground has asked for additional forces and meeting those requirements against the overall strategy is something that I have an expectation to get directed to do," he said.
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My Comment: We can now see the differences between the Bush administration and the Obama administration in formulating and enacting policy with the military for Iraq and Afghanistan. Under President Bush, his policy was to state the objectives, and support those in the military who believed that they had a plan to implement and to achieve the President's objectives .... i.e. give the soldiers what they want.
President Obama's administration works differently. Formulating and publicizing their objectives are always under constant review (nothing definite). When the military advocates a particular plan .... i.e. a surge of 30,000 soldiers for Afghanistan .... they then spend the time doing the necessary groundwork and preparation .... and when ready to implement are then stopped by the President with the reason being that more planning will be required.
For Afghanistan, this uncertainty and lack of leadership and strategy from the White House is going to be a disaster very quickly. As I had mentioned a few days ago .... this is how countries like the United States can lose a war.
"The commander on the ground has asked for additional forces and meeting those requirements against the overall strategy is something that I have an expectation to get directed to do," he said.
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My Comment: We can now see the differences between the Bush administration and the Obama administration in formulating and enacting policy with the military for Iraq and Afghanistan. Under President Bush, his policy was to state the objectives, and support those in the military who believed that they had a plan to implement and to achieve the President's objectives .... i.e. give the soldiers what they want.
President Obama's administration works differently. Formulating and publicizing their objectives are always under constant review (nothing definite). When the military advocates a particular plan .... i.e. a surge of 30,000 soldiers for Afghanistan .... they then spend the time doing the necessary groundwork and preparation .... and when ready to implement are then stopped by the President with the reason being that more planning will be required.
For Afghanistan, this uncertainty and lack of leadership and strategy from the White House is going to be a disaster very quickly. As I had mentioned a few days ago .... this is how countries like the United States can lose a war.