(Photo from The Long War Journal)
11 Former Gitmo Inmates On Saudi Wanted List
-- Yahoo News/AP
-- Yahoo News/AP
CAIRO – Saudi Arabia said Wednesday that 11 men released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay are now on the kingdom's most-wanted list despite having attended its touted extremist rehabilitation program.
President Barack Obama has signed an executive order closing the detention center at the naval base in Cuba, leaving countries scrambling over what to do with released detainees.
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More News On Gitmo Inmates Going Back To Terrorism
Saudi Arabia's most-wanted -- Long War Journal
11 former Guantánamo inmates now on Saudi list of terrorism suspects -- International Herald Tribune
Guantanamo inmate 'joins Taleban' -- BBC
Saudis Issue List of 85 Terrorism Suspects -- New York Times
Great... 11 Former "Rehabilitated" Gitmo Grads Back On Saudi Most Wanted List -- Gateway Pundit
The Gitmo alumni on Saudi Arabia’s Most Wanted list -- Hot Air