From Times Online:
More than one in ten of the Guantánamo detainees sent back to their countries of origin have subsequently become involved in terrorist activities, according to the Pentagon.
Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon spokesman, said that an estimated 62 former inmates had been linked to terrorism again. “That's an 11 per cent recidivist rate,” he told The Times.
Said Ali al-Shihri, released to Saudi Arabia in 2007, was put through the kingdom's special rehabilitation programme for Jihadists but subsequently emerged as al-Qaeda's deputy leader in Yemen, Mr Morrell claimed. “The detainees released in the early phases were considered to be the easy ones, in other words they could be released with minimal risk, and yet 11 per cent have returned to terrorism,” he said.
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My Comment: I am sure that while the other 89% may not be involved directly in terrorist activities .... they are sympathetic towards these groups.