There's been a stalking arrest at a mall. Guess what the mall doesn't "allow"?S: Security...
DC: Yeah...uh...I'm on your website and can't find some information. I don't see a weapons policy for people with concealed carry permits*...
S: No, we don't allow that...[More]
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column. I'd appreciate the help of the regulars here to share the link.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Senator Boxer’s half-truths to promote ‘sensible gun control’ (Part 3) Charlotte: Phony gun groups, Part 3: 'American Hunters and Shooters Association' DC: DC taxpayers will pay for City Council’s gun ban redux Denver: Granny, get your gun Los Angeles: An open invitation to L. A. Times writer Dana Parsons. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: The folly across the river St. Louis: Are churchgoers' lives less worth defending?