(Paul J. Richards / AFP-Getty Images)
Obama Upsets Sarkozy With Letter to Jacques Chirac -- Gateway Pundit
In his latest faux pas Obama managed to pi$$ off France...
President Obama wrote Jacques Chirac saying he was looking forward to working with the former French president in the coming four years(?)
Monsters and Critics reported:
US President Barack Obama has indirectly praised former French president Jacques Chirac's fierce opposition to the US-led invasion of Iraq, the online edition of the daily Le Figaro reported on Thursday.
Read more ....
My Comment: When Sec. of State Hillary Clinton gave the Russian FM the "wrong" reset button, I had mentioned that while this was just a minor episode, one had to wonder if there were more serious mistakes being done by the State Department and/or the White House .... and we have not been privy to it.
Then we had the U.K. PM Gordon Brown incident, in which after he had given President Obama and his family a number of thoughtful and considerate gifts, he was given a basket of DVDs to watch by President Obama .... DVDs that do not work on European DVD Players.
And now we have the above French incident .... Hmmmm .... I see a pattern here.
Foreign diplomacy is a very important function for all heads of states. It is an opportunity to show respect and thoughtful consideration to another country as symbolized by their head of state.
It appears that this sensitivity has been vacated by this White House.