From The Hill:
General David Petraeus countered recent suggestions by former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday that the United States is less safe under the Obama administration.
“I wouldn’t necessarily agree with that,” Petraeus said during an appearance on CNN where he was asked about Cheney's comments.
In an interview on CNN two weeks ago, Cheney defended Bush administration interrogation policies and the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay as making the U.S. safer. He criticized Obama for announcing changes to U.S. interrogation policies, which he said had foiled terrorist attacks on the U.S.
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My Comment: The difference between Vice President Cheney and General Petraeus is that while General Petraeus focused on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Vice President Cheney's focus was on the bigger picture. I would trust Vice President Cheney's analysis over General Petraeus's on this issue of U.S. security.