Voice of Bush’s Favored General Is Now Harder to Hear -- New York Times
WASHINGTON — Gen. David H. Petraeus, the face of the Iraq troop surge and a favorite of former President George W. Bush, spoke up or was called upon by President Obama “several times” during the big Afghanistan strategy session in the Situation Room last week, one participant says, and will be back for two more meetings this week.
But the general’s closest associates say that underneath the surface of good relations, the celebrity commander faces a new reality in Mr. Obama’s White House: He is still at the table, but in a very different seat.
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My Comment: One should not be surprised by this development. Every new administration has their own allies, advisers, and supporters that they wish to position in key areas within the government. The military is not an exception to this rule, and General Petraeus understands that.
What I would like to know is who in the military/intelligence services will eventually have the ear of the President. While I am sure that Sec. of Defense Gates, Adm. Mullen, and Gen. Petraeus are providing valuable information to the President .... they are holdovers from the Bush Presidency, and are serving on the wishes of the President. National Security adviser Jones has also provided a valuable role .... but he is not from president Obama's inner circle in the same manner that Condoleeza Rice was when she was President Bush's National Security adviser.
For the moment .... there is no one (I do not include Vice Presient Biden) .... a condition that will probably not help the President when he needs unfiltered advice from the Pentagon on important startegic policies .... Afghanistan included. But I will make a prediction .... if Afghanistan does go south in 2010, someone is going to get blamed and if history is any indication .... be prepared for massive changes in the Pentagon starting from the top with Secretary Gates to the commanders in Afghanistan and elsewhere.