I think that letter writer believes police officers should not handle combat-type incidents. Maybe he just doesn’t think police should have more of an advantage than the suspects. [More]Yeah, that's pretty much it, Don Dodson. If you think you and yours are the "Only Ones" who should have suppressors and/or firearms of military utility, have I got a Bill of Rights for you.
Don't you people swear oaths in Lompoc?
This is a response to a letter we discussed last week. As with that one, please go on over and spread enlightenment.
And, oh, look--here's an authoritah-worshiper who's holding a barbecue. Looks like she could use an education, too.
These are good opportunities to get a point of view in front of a readership that ordinarily doesn't discuss such things. I hope many of you take advantage of this opportunity.
[Via Steven L]