From The Captain's Journal:
Regular readers of The Captain’s Journal know that we haven’t covered the missile strikes or supposed hits on high value targets (HVT) in either Afghanistan or Pakistan. This strategy, i.e., attacking mid- to high-level commanders in the hopes that the organization or ideology will disintegrate, is wasteful of time and resources.
Note that our objection has nothing to do with collateral damage, or the alleged benefit of these strikes to Taliban recruitment. We simply believe that the strategy will fail. And fail it has indeed, at least thus far. But it appears as if not only will the U.S. continue to engage in strikes to HVT, the program is set to expand into Quetta, Pakistan.
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My Comment: The Captain pours a lot of cold water on those who believe that negotiations with some of the Taliban can be successful. Sadly .... the Captain's Journal is probably right.