Apparently there are some serious flaws with this story.
Mama Liberty tells me they interviewed Wyoming Gun Owners Association executive director Anthony Bouchard.
Per Mr. Bouchard:
Mama Liberty tells me they interviewed Wyoming Gun Owners Association executive director Anthony Bouchard.
Per Mr. Bouchard:
[L]ook how all the statistics were printed as fact.
I want you to know that I disputed the CDC statistics but none of that made it into the article.,2933,113094,00.html
Also unmentioned, are we to give up our rights because one might commit suicide?
Or how many of these deaths were deemed justified shootings or even by police?
The average person will not sift through the data and the more the media slams us (yes even here in Wyoming) with "statistics that purposely leave out the facts", we lose another inch.
Also unmentioned, are we to give up our rights because one might commit suicide?
Or how many of these deaths were deemed justified shootings or even by police?
The average person will not sift through the data and the more the media slams us (yes even here in Wyoming) with "statistics that purposely leave out the facts", we lose another inch.