From The Esquire: gets an advanced look at the Air Force roadmap to better robots — flying multi-missile hitmen, floating multi-target guidance systems, flapping suicide bombers — and how they can zero in on Al Qaeda without costing Hillary her job.
As hitmen go, robots are clumsy killers. The proof is in Pakistan, where local authorities claim that drone strikes on Al Qaeda and affiliate targets have killed at least 687 civilians. Whether or not that figure is inflated, the real or imagined death toll continues to fuel anti-American sentiment around the world. And that's to say nothing of the anti-administration fervor inside Washington circles as to whether President Obama and newly promoted general Stanley McChrystal, in continuing Bush-era policies with Bush-era technologies (even if they're offering Pakistan surveillance data), should continue air strikes near the Afghan border at all.
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My Comment: Another article on the future of UAVs .... nothing new, but it does provide a good summary.