COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels are trying to rise from the ashes of their devastating battlefield defeat, swearing off violence and pledging to transform their internationally shunned terror group into a democratic movement for Tamil statehood.
Their rebranding effort faces long odds. The Tamil Tigers' self-proclaimed new leader is a wanted arms smuggler, the group has no presence inside Sri Lanka and the government has brushed off the remaining rebels as irrelevant. It's not even clear if anyone is really in charge of the tattered and demoralized group.
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'New government' for Tamil Tigers -- BBC
Tamil Tigers 'reorganise' struggle for statehood -- AFP
Tigers claim 'transnational' govt. -- UPI
Sri Lanka scoffs at new Tamil exiled government -- Reuters
Tiger call for separate state 'hallucinating'
Their rebranding effort faces long odds. The Tamil Tigers' self-proclaimed new leader is a wanted arms smuggler, the group has no presence inside Sri Lanka and the government has brushed off the remaining rebels as irrelevant. It's not even clear if anyone is really in charge of the tattered and demoralized group.
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More News On Sri Lanka
'New government' for Tamil Tigers -- BBC
Tamil Tigers 'reorganise' struggle for statehood -- AFP
Tigers claim 'transnational' govt. -- UPI
Sri Lanka scoffs at new Tamil exiled government -- Reuters
Tiger call for separate state 'hallucinating'
More News On Sri Lanka
'New government' for Tamil Tigers -- BBC
Tamil Tigers 'reorganise' struggle for statehood -- AFP
Tigers claim 'transnational' govt. -- UPI
Sri Lanka scoffs at new Tamil exiled government -- Reuters
Tiger call for separate state 'hallucinating' -- AFP
Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers say struggle for separate state will continue from exile -- Times Online
Sri Lanka rights abuse probe ends abruptly -- AP
Sri Lankan rebel leader's diary found -- China View