A Town Council debate over banning Tasers in the resort was met with some resistance by council members eager to have one for their own protection at home or work. [More]What? It will be binding on us too?
Y'know what, you wannabe commissars? Criminals don't care about your stupid damn rules, and neither do a growing number of fed up Americans who are sick and tired of fools like you presuming to define their adult choices for them.
Some of us could not care less about your insulting "large sums of money" exceptions--although it does tell us something about your shallow values, that you deem a well-heeled rope-selling "capitalist" of more value than...who, exactly?
And who is this Lloyd Martin character, a freaking NRA member who says "he doesn't want stun guns sold on the Boardwalk"?
Then we have this epitome of "Only One" arrogance:
And who is this Lloyd Martin character, a freaking NRA member who says "he doesn't want stun guns sold on the Boardwalk"?
Then we have this epitome of "Only One" arrogance:
Police Chief Bernadette DiPino, who initially brought the issue before the council last month, said Taser use has been studied in depth by Maryland law enforcement agencies and it's judged to be a safe alternative to deadly force.In other words, it's OK i
DiPino wants to ban sales and possession of electronic stun guns because, like a handgun, "it's more likely to be turned on you when you carry it than it is to be utilized to defend yourself."
Then we have this epitome of "Only One" arrogance:
You ever notice those who make these stupid takeaway claims never give live demonstrations where they show people how it's done?
[Via Rick P]
Police Chief Bernadette DiPino, who initially brought the issue before the council last month, said Taser use has been studied in depth by Maryland law enforcement agencies and it's judged to be a safe alternative to deadly force.In other words, it's OK if she uses it, but you're just not competent and trustworthy enough.
DiPino wants to ban sales and possession of electronic stun guns because, like a handgun, "it's more likely to be turned on you when you carry it than it is to be utilized to defend yourself."
You ever notice those who make these stupid takeaway claims never give live demonstrations where they show people how it's done?
[Via Rick P]