The Shrinking President by Jed Babbin
Just as small men can be great, the important can be small. Barack Obama, who strode the political world last year as a new Colossus, is shrinking before our eyes. His proclamation that the Cambridge, Mass., police “acted stupidly” in arresting his personal friend, Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was one of those “teachable moments” the president is so fond of creating.
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Maliki's Nationalism -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post opinion
The War We’d Like to Forget -- Ross Douthat, New York Times opinion.
Wisely Doing Nothing (On Iran) -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post opinion
Iran's Revolution Has a Vacancy at the Top -- Azadeh Moaveni, Washington Post opinion.
The Dust of Dissent Can Still Choke this (Iranian) Regime - Rosemary Righter, The Times opinion
Interrogations and Prosecution -- Washington Post editorial
Set a Date to Close Gitmo -- Los Angeles Times editorial
Gitmo Injustice -- Thomas Joscelyn, Weekly Standard opinion
Foreign Policy: Do Obama's Globe-trotters Play? -- Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times opinion
A New Dialogue with China -- Hillary Clinton & Timothy Geithner, WSJ
The Newest Israel-Iran Missile Battle - Gerald Posner, The Daily Beast
Don't Trust Pakistan When it Comes to Taliban -- Sushant Sareen, Rediff
Which China is Coming to Washington? -- Nina Hachigian, New Republic
Can Cyber Diplomacy Save the World? -- Nancy Scola, American Prospect