How Secretive And Shabby The Americans Are -- Bob Ellis, (Australia)
There was no rejoicing in Times Square when Hirohito died, though he ordered the killing of 2350 Americans in Pearl Harbor. I remember no such gladness when Hitler died, or Ho Chi Minh, or Mao Tse Tung. Or Che Guevara. Or Salvador Allende. Or Joseph Stalin.
These laughing, flag-waving, crowded scenes outside the White House and across America have no precedent (except, perhaps, in the South when Lincoln was shot) and it is to be wondered why they occurred.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Pakistan's bin Laden Scapegoat -- Ron Moreau, Daily Beast
Bin Laden killing in legal gray zone -- David Axe, Politico
Tortured Logic. The United States didn't need to waterboard anyone to get Osama bin Laden. -- Matthew Alexander, Foreign Policy
Al-Qaeda After Bin-Laden: Can the 'Brand' Survive? -- Tony Karon, Time
Libya's western rebels run tighter operation than eastern brethren -- Scott Peterson, Christian Science Monitor
Internal strife emerges as Tehran looks westward -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Will Muslim Brotherhood succeed where Osama bin Laden failed? -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christian Science Monitor
Thailand - Cambodia Conflict: The Battle of the Temples -- Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Project Syndicate
Yes, the Afghans Hate Us -- Gilles Dorronsoro, National Interest
Stop Brussels elite from ransacking our country -- Robert Pye, Irish Times
Is the Asian century a dream or reality? -- Haruhiko Kuroda, Jakarta Post