Our Country’s Battles -- Gary Schmitt and William Kristol, Weekly Standard
We have today an aging and shrinking Air Force and Navy, an Army that is overstretched, reserve forces that are far too ‘active’ in their rate of deployment, and too few dollars to rebuild and modernize.
It is increasingly likely that the Republican party, in league with more conservative Democrats, will have a decisive say in Congress following November’s elections. The GOP could even be in the majority in the House. With this possibility in sight, the primary focus of conservatives has been the repeal of the recently enacted health care legislation. Given the magnitude of the bill and its impact on both health care and the economy, this is perfectly reasonable. But health care is not the only matter that should come under review if a new working majority of conservatives results from the upcoming elections. Equally important are the Obama administration’s plans for America’s military.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The slippery slope to strikes on Iran -- Flynt Leverett & Hillary Mann Leverett, Politico
No Secrets in the Sky -- Peter Bergen And Katherine Tiedmann
China’s Nuclear Option -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Is Thailand Going the Way of 1936 Spain? -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World
U.S. messages to Syria may not be getting through -- Washington Post editorial
South Korea at Sea on Response to Boat Sinking -- Lee Byong-Chul, Asia Sentinel
The world has a lot of problems. An exploding population isn't one of them. -- Charles Kenny, Foreign Policy
Not Even in South Park? -- Ross Douthat, New York Times
Comedy Central caves to terrorism -- Washington Times editorial