N. Korea Nuclear Test: UN Issues Quick Condemnation, But How Far Will It Go? -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
US Ambassador Susan Rice says the Security Council's quick and unanimous condemnation of North Korea's nuclear test is a sign the UN response will be 'credible.' But all eyes are still on China.
The United Nations Security Council “strongly condemned” North Korea’s nuclear test carried out earlier Tuesday and committed to responding swiftly to the North’s “clear threat to international peace and security” with a new round of sanctions targeting the isolated regime’s nuclear and missile programs.
Pyongyang’s third and apparently most powerful nuclear test may have been designed in part to convince the domestic North Korean audience of the young leader Kim Jong-un’s hold on power. But it also succeeded in further uniting the international community – notably including China – in opposition to the North’s actions.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Reaction in quotes: North Korea nuclear test -- BBC
U.S. Weakness Provokes N. Korea and Iran -- Max Boot, Commentary
After North Korean Nuclear Test, China Must Deal With Its Wayward Ally -- Jane Perlez, New York Times
Syria border bombing: How will Turkey respond if attacks continue? -- Tom A. Peter, Christian Science Monitor
Syrian stalemate must end soon -- Gulf News
Obama's Syria Call -- Greg Scoblete, Real Clear World
Too Quiet on Mali's Southern Front -- Anne Jolis, Wall Street Journal
Egypt Against Itself: A society on the edge of chaos. -- Lee Smith, Weekly Standard
Asian Currencies Tumble. Yes, This Is A Global Currency War. -- Gordon G. Chang, Forbes
Regardless of who succeeds Pope Benedict XVI, he won’t be back -- Washington Post editorial
Greece is facing a humanitarian crisis -- Alex Politaki, The Guardian
Latin America’s corruption starts at top -- Andres Oppenheimer, Miami Herald